Families for Home Education (FHE) was founded in 1983 to provide a strong defense against assaults to home education in the Missouri legislature. Closely monitoring legislative activity in the state capitol, through our registered lobbyist, is still one of our most important activities. FHE’s purpose is to protect the inalienable right of the parents of Missouri to teach their own children without state regulation or control. A Board of Directors that represents our members from seven regions across the state oversees FHE. Region 3 represents the Kansas City metropolitan area.
FHE represents and supports the rights of all home educators in the state and is not affiliated with any religious or political organization, or special interest group. We work to win support for home education among the general public and before lawmakers and public officials. For more information about FHE, please visit their website at fhe-mo.org
Unless clearly stated otherwise, inclusion of any activity, organization, service, supplier, service, or company does not constitute endorsement by Families for Home Education. Each family should decide for themselves which, if any of these things, are appropriate for their own family.